Sir David Attenborough: When my children were small we had all kinds of pets but now that I live by myself it is not possible to have a pet and still go away for several weeks on end on filming trips. So, to my regret I have no pets at the moment.
Steve: What is the most scared you have ever been while filming?
Sir David Attenborough: If you are not scared at any time you are going to get yourself into real trouble. I have been scared. My scariest moment has been malfunctioning of my diving equipment when I have been some 60 feet below the surface. I decided that I was not designed by mother nature to be down there.
Peloquin: Sir david, is the bird of paradise still one of your favorite animals?
Sir David Attenborough: There is not just one bird of paradise, there are 42 different species. They vary in size from a robin to a crow. They have the most dazzlingly feather decorations of any family and I am besotted by them.
Full interview here.
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