So it's happened. I've got sucked into yet another TV show and have wasted my evenings over the last three weeks watching episodes back-to-back until my body wins the fight against the caffeine and my left eyes starts twitching, before falling asleep on the sofa all undignified like. But Lost is well and truly worth it. Three weeks ago I decided that since almost everyone I know (and valued their opinions) held the show in such high regard, I would start watching Lou's copy of Season One. Little did I know that 4 days later she would need to purchase Season Two. Then 5 days later I was *ahem* downloading Season 3. Then 4 found its way on to my computer. By the time I had gasped at the idea that Ben, Jack and the contents of that coffin (trying not to spoil anyone here) were going to return to the Island, it was the day before the first episode of Season 5 was scheduled to air, and I was beyond being hooked and had entered the realms of nerdy obsession.
That's right my friends, I highly recommend this show if you are one of the 12 people left in the western world that hasn't seen it. But if you do watch it, be warned: you have to start at the beginning. It's not the kind of show that you can just pick up half way through.
Here are some links:
Official Lost Website
The Fuselage (JJ Abrams' Lost-related forum)
Thursday, 29 January 2009
How I 'Lost' the Last Three Weeks
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