Can't. Stop. Saying it.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Prince of Persia
So it's that time again. Time for me to waffle on about how much I love a game I'm currently playing (there are much better/more important things to be talking about, I know). This time it's not from the Zelda, Katamari or Ico camps but from a francise I haven't before visited. I'm talking about the (apparently) classic games Prince of Persia.
Worryingly, I decided to buy this game having only seen one screenshot (see post about Jake Gyllenhaal) and nothing else, so it's to my great relief that I'm completely in love with it. Think of a cross between the illustrated beauty of Okami, crossed with the companionship of Ico and the broad lanscape and adventure of Shadow of the Colossus and you might have an idea of what this game is like. Oh and the cheek and borderline terrible wit of Han Solo and/or Indiana Jones in the shape of 'Prince' (you never actually learn his name and I resent having to call him that as it conjurs up images of tiny men in purple tights).
You play as 'Prince' who, looking for his beloved donkey Farah, stumbles into a drama between a Princess and her father, which ends in 'The Tree of Life' being destroyed and the subsequent release of a demon which spreads 'corruption' across the land. You and the Princess - Elika, join forces to restore peace and light to the land and ultimately banish the demon back into incarceration.
Whilst I have made comparisons to Ico, Elika is no Yorda. She is a princess with great magical power and with the ability to carry you across great distances, heal you in battle, attack enemies at will, rescue you from falling, and heal the 'corrupted' lands. In the words of Hilary Goldstein from IGN in her review: "This is a story about love. Not the love between the Prince and Elika, but between you and Elika". She is truly awesome. I have a slight crush on 'Prince' too... even if he is a bit buff and all... "These trousers were new!" (you'll get that when you've played it).
So yeah, I don't want to go on and on about it but I highly recommend this game and implore you to at list visit these sites to read more about it from the experts and then maybe buy it.
IGN review of Prince of Persia (XBox 360) - 9.3 (Outstanding)
Official Prince of Persia website - Ubisoft
Tuesday, 2 December 2008