Friday, 30 May 2008
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Sir David Attenborough Quote of the Day
Has he seen the film Grizzly Man, in which amateur naturalist Timothy Treadwell comes to a sticky end after getting too pally with the grizzly bears he is studying? Attenborough is familiar with the case. He sees Treadwell's soppy reasoning as symptomatic of the spoilt, modern world in which people "aren't used to being uncomfortable; they think the world owes them a living and the idea that they might be cold or hungry is alien ... There are a number of people in that mad, green [circle] who say nature is wonderful, lovely, and mankind has distorted it, and if you go out there with an innocent heart ... well," he huffs. "If you go out there with an innocent heart, you're eaten."
This is not to say that it is "disreputable" to get all maternal about baby mammals. "It's just wrong. You see a little fawn with large eyes, like Bambi ... oh, oh, little darling. But, in fact, half of them get killed in the first month and we all die and are subject to disease. Life is full of tragedy."
Full article here (very old).London Expo - The full report
So Lou-Lou and I went to London Expo at the weekend. It was my first time there and I was really impressed by how many stalls there were. We had a very thorough look around on Saturday and returned for more on Sunday (I somehow managed to get in for free on Sunday because I blatantly strolled in past the ticket collectors when trying to take a picture of an Optimus Prime cosplayer - see below).
It was also my first time cosplaying - though not very well. My Kuchiki Rukia was so unconvincing that anyone attempting to make conversation with me simply looked at me and said "oh you're... from Soul Society?" hmm. However, Lou-Lou's Inoue Orihime was great and I think she looked beautiful so that made up for it. See below for pictures...
See what I mean?
Check out the authentic hair
Stay Puft
Some frightening Hello Kitties and a female Pyramid Head
Ken-chan amuses Ichigo and Orihime over lunch
Her 'proton pack' looked heavy...
Contrary to what it looks like, it's a mirrored surface rather than a window revealing his leopard print underwear (I'm looking at you Mat)
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Friday, 16 May 2008
Silent Hill 4: The Crash
Okay, so my housemates and I have been going through the Silent Hill games and we were making our way through the tunnels of SH4 last night when to our 'horror' it wouldn't load the next area. It just hung there whilst the logo danced around the screen and my boyfriend discovered you could make the cult symbol bigger, smaller, fatter, thinner... this amused us for a little while and then the panic set in. Okay, I fell for Clive's joke that it was loading that 30 min cut scene that he had read about, but that's beside the point. Will we ever get to finish the game? Wah...
Sir David Attenborough Quote of the Day
"It’s all about celebrity, which is a disaster; it’s ghastly. The celebrity cult means you are famous without talent. The BBC is as guilty as the other channels. Popularism has pervaded our society. It is a distorted form of democracy and egalitarianism. Celebrity is a legacy from the time when the BBC was seen to be patrician and condescending, and knowing what was best for the rest."
Read full interview here.
London Expo - the debut cosplay
So Lou-Lou and I are going to London Expo next weekend and we're actually going to do the cosplay thing. It's very frightening actually as most people tend to look awful when the try to replicate a perfect, petite, manga character. Unfortunately humans can't look good from every angle and their hair can look crap, and if they're really unluckly they might have a bad case of 'red eye' in photos... So it is with great aprehension that I delve into this world of 'costume play'.
We're going as Rukia and Orihime from Bleach (Lou-Lou as Orihime and myself as Rukia) - see below. The fact that we both have the right colour hair for the characters is a good start at least...
We'll see I suppose - we'll keep you posted...
Radiohead, i love thee

My w.a.s.t.e. url is:
Monday, 12 May 2008
The quality of this appears to have suffered through being uploaded - sorry - but we saw this in an apple tree whilst walking home yesterday. I don't think it shows up at all on here, but the dark mass inside the silk is even more of them wriggling away. Does anyone have a clue as to what kind of butterfly this caterpillar belongs to and what they are doing? (We assumed hatching.) David, it's over to you I think...
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Happy Birthday Sir David
“What do you think this is?” asks Sir David Attenborough, handing me a heavy rock. We are sitting in his Richmond home and I have been drawn into playing a game of ‘guess the fossil’. The specimen turns out to be vertebrae from an ichthyosaur, which Attenborough found in his neighbour’s garden while looking for rocks for his aquarium. “I went over and there was this, just lying about!”
His fossil collection sits behind his sofa, which itself faces a large collection of wildlife paintings, tribal artefacts and one unexpectedly massive state-of-the-art television. From outside, the house is immediately identifiable for it lacks the patios and SUVs of its neighbours and instead has a winding path surrounded by lush greenery.
Attenborough is very much as you would expect from his on-screen appearances—knowledgeable, eloquent, a consummate storyteller and extremely excited about wildlife. He is as happy enthusing about a turtle mating frenzy as he is about the grisly habits of the caecilian, a burrowing worm-like amphibian whose young feed by tearing strips of fatty skin from their mothers. And what about the most interesting thing he’s eaten himself? “Big moth caterpillars in New Guinea. You put them on a fire and they come out like Twiglets.”
Read more here.
Wednesday, 7 May 2008