Wednesday 8 October 2008

Student 'antics'

Working for a University you get used to seeing them everywhere, all looking the same, trying to be 'zany', buying their posters, listening to their iPods and talking about how much of a student they are. "Oh that is such a student thing to do!", "I'm gonna go home and watch Tellytubbies because I'm such a student"... They pop their collars as if to protect themselves from the working class employees. But what really takes the biscuit for me is students thinking that it's okay to wear pajamas around campus, or even to the shops. NO! It's not okay, you look like a tw*t and I don't want to see your 'crazy' pajamas.

1 comment:

  1. Fools the lot of 'em! Later we'll sit in front of the PS2 with cups of tea and bitch about how things used to be, eh?
