Monday 20 October 2008

Frodo is grea.....Who is THAT??!

Me and the Sham have recently taken a liking to the wonderful Flight of the Conchords, and through this discovered the wonders of Figwit! And when i was wonders...i really just mean we discovered him. From Wiki:

Figwit is a fan-derived name for an unnamed elf extra in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings triology, played by actor and musician Bret McKenzie of Flight of the Conchords and The Black Seeds fame. The name Figwit derives from an acronym for "Frodo is grea...who is THAT?!?", a phrase coined by fan Iris Hadad.Though he only appeared for about three seconds in the first film, Figwit's popularity soon blossomed, with Hadad stating that "[the fan site] got a lot of emails from people who thought they were the only ones who had noticed that handsome, dark-haired elf".Figwit's physical appearance and demeanor are the source of much of his popularity: he has been noted for his "lithe and graceful" movement, "enigmatic broodiness", "haughty demeanor", and "pouty" looks. His fan website proclaims him "in a word, gorgeous. Or another, stunning... hypnotic... stupendous... captivating... take your pick."

McKenzie has stated that the Figwit obsession is "weird", though he is "flattered".He has remarked that "it's so hilarious because it's been propelled by so little ... I'm famous for doing nothing."

Isnt fandom a wonderful thing? *sighs* Go here for much nerdy joy:

Here be a picture of FOTC. Lovely.

1 comment:

  1. what is wrong with the world today? na-nan nan nan nan nan-na-nay
