Tuesday 27 May 2008

London Expo - The full report

So Lou-Lou and I went to London Expo at the weekend. It was my first time there and I was really impressed by how many stalls there were. We had a very thorough look around on Saturday and returned for more on Sunday (I somehow managed to get in for free on Sunday because I blatantly strolled in past the ticket collectors when trying to take a picture of an Optimus Prime cosplayer - see below).

It was also my first time cosplaying - though not very well. My Kuchiki Rukia was so unconvincing that anyone attempting to make conversation with me simply looked at me and said "oh you're... from Soul Society?" hmm. However, Lou-Lou's Inoue Orihime was great and I think she looked beautiful so that made up for it. See below for pictures...

See what I mean?

Check out the authentic hair


Stay Puft

Some frightening Hello Kitties and a female Pyramid Head

Ken-chan amuses Ichigo and Orihime over lunch

Her 'proton pack' looked heavy...

Contrary to what it looks like, it's a mirrored surface rather than a window revealing his leopard print underwear (I'm looking at you Mat)

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