Monday 12 May 2008


The quality of this appears to have suffered through being uploaded - sorry - but we saw this in an apple tree whilst walking home yesterday. I don't think it shows up at all on here, but the dark mass inside the silk is even more of them wriggling away. Does anyone have a clue as to what kind of butterfly this caterpillar belongs to and what they are doing? (We assumed hatching.) David, it's over to you I think...

1 comment:

  1. It's obviously a disco of some description... right? that's really amazing though. i'm having a sudden medley of thoughts that goes > 'david, it's over to you' > 'look through the keyhole' > 'you're not seeing the whole pie, you're looking at it through a keyhole' > 'david brent dance and accompanying music > caterpillars dancing to that music... sorry.
