Tuesday 22 April 2008

Mapping climate change

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"I just came across this world map by Worldmapper on the new BBC Green website. The map looks pretty distorted, because each country has been resized to show the amount of greenhouse gas emissions it is responsible for.

The map factors in emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, which account for 98% of the greenhouse effect.

The countries that emit the most greenhouse gases are the United States, China, the Russian Federation and Japan. No surprises there. The UK doesn’t come off too well either. However, the most emissions per person are in Qatar: equivalent to 86 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. Qatar has significant oil and gas reserves, and in 2002 was populated by 600,000 people. (In case you’re wondering Qatar is in the green section between a very skinny Africa, and India.)

Here’s how the world looks by land area, so you have a comparison:

What the BBC site doesn’t show, is another Worldmapper map - this one shows the world by carbon emissions decreases - an altogether different picture! Here the fatter the country, the bigger the decrease."

Story taken directly from

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