Friday 25 April 2008

The Independant's 'Green List'

The Independent's recent Green list 2007 promised to reveal who was setting the agenda on environmental issues, writes Rachel Dixon. Unfortunately, it didn't tell us much we didn't already know. Rather predictably, as publication coincided with Live Earth, Al Gore was number one, followed by unlikely environmentalist Arnold Schwarzenegger. More interesting was Wangari Maathai's inclusion in third place - although she was just one of just seven women in a list of 25 people.

On the plus side, the list was a real mixed bag, with campaigners and movers and shakers from the arts ranking alongside scientists, politicians and businessmen. This may be an encouraging sign, suggesting that green issues are starting to be tackled across wider society, rather than remaining the preserve of niche groups.

On the down side, it was geographically limited, with only one representative of Africa, and one each from China and India. The vast majority of those named came from Britain or the United States. As the Independent itself said, climate change is the most important global issue we face, so surely we should acknowledge the role of non-western figures in the fight? One example that springs to mind is Dai Qing, the Chinese anti-dam campaigner, who was included in the Environment Agency's list of the 100 greatest eco-heroes of all time. There must be many more individuals who deserve recognition.

So, who would you add to the list - and who's inclusion do you disagree with? Perhaps you don't think Al Gore deserves the top spot, in light of Live Earth's carbon footprint, not to mention his own massive household energy consumption. Or maybe we're all too obsessed with celebrity, and we shouldn't be focusing on individuals at all. A list of the greenest businesses or governments might shame the rest into action.

The top 10:
1. Al Gore
2. Arnold Schwarzenegger
3. Wangari Maathai
4. Sir Nicholas Stern
5. David Attenborough <-------------------------- !
6. Simran Sethi
7. Mark Lynas
8. Patrick Holden
9. Laurie David
10. Dr Carl Hodges

This is outrageous for obvious reasons. Story from here.

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